Mrs. Chris Mora
Learning Consultant
“A great teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart."
~ Author Unknown
Meet Mrs. Mora
Hi! I'm Chris Mora, and I have multiple roles at St. Francis of Assisi. As a Learning Consultant, I strive to be a resource to students, teachers, and parents. I work with teachers to ensure we are meeting all our students' needs. I'm the liaison with SFA and the Special School District. We work closely with SSD to aid our students who have special needs. I'm also the co-teacher for 4th and 5th math. Mrs. Klages and I work closely together to challenge all our students at their level. We teach in various ways, including whole group lessons, small groups, and individual help. We make math fun to help our students succeed and grow in their confidence.
My teaching career began at Illinois State University, where I earned my degree in Elementary Education. I then went on to get my Master's degree at Maryville University. During my Master's program, I focused on learning disabilities and how to help students overcome them. I recently have been taking additional Master's classes from Webster University. These classes have focused on how to meet students' needs and help them be successful in the classroom.
My husband and I have been parishioners at St. Francis of Assisi for over 25 years. We have two children who both graduated from SFA. We are empty-nesters now and love spending time with our adult children. Our favorite place to go when we travel is the beach. When at home, I enjoy taking care of my plants and reading.
In my early career, I taught at one other school for a semester, and then I transferred to St. Francis of Assisi. Once I landed here, I never left. I've been so happy. St. Francis of Assisi has such a wonderful parish and school community. As a teacher, I'm always in awe of the support we get from the parents and parish. Everyone is so kind and willing to help.