St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School:

Middle School Religion

Susie Pollard

Mrs. Susie Pollard
6th-8th Religion

“We are called to be Saints.” St. Paul, Romans 1:7


Meet Mrs. Pollard

My desire to become a teacher started when I was in 4th grade. I had an amazing teacher who took the time to help me when I faced reading difficulties. I admired her passion and love for teaching. I went to Fontbonne University and earned a degree in elementary education with a minor in religion.

My husband, Aaron, and I have three children. Nate attends Vianney High School. Luke is in 7th grade, and Brooke is in 4th grade at St. Francis of Assisi.

I love the faith-based community at St. Francis of Assisi School and Church. In Middle School Religion, we seek to encounter God every day. We begin each day with Mass or activities that help us grow in our faith.

In 6th grade, each student receives a Bible, which opens the door to learning about the Bible and salvation history. We also learn and encourage different forms of prayer, including praying with Scripture through Lectio Divina.

Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is a 2-year program that begins in 7th grade. We use the Chosen program, designed to promote discussion of faith. The students perform Work of Mercy projects, fostering a life of service beyond receiving the Sacrament.

In Middle School, we also introduce Pope St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body (TOB), which teaches about the dignity of the human person. Humans are created for self-giving love; they give themselves in service to others.

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SFA MS Religion