St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School: STREAM
(Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics)

Mr. Michael Herries
STREAM Coordinator
“Not all those who wander are lost” .
JRR Tolkien
The Fellowship of the Ring
The 2024-25 school marks my 11th year of teaching at SFA. Before SFA I was a consulting engineer in the gulf south. I am a Licensed Geologist in both Missouri and Arkansas. I hold BS degrees from the Missouri University of Science and Technology in Geological Engineering, Geology & Geophysics.
I am the SFA STREAM Coordinator. I primarily teach engineering, computer science, and design in the Middle School but I push into all grade levels, as needed.
I am a 2022-23 PLTW Outstanding Gateway Teacher, 1 of 2 in Missouri. I am also a - CS Discoveries and CS Fundaments trained teacher. I lead our Clavius Project Robotics Team.
I am a proud father of two SFA alums. My wife Paula and I are SFA parishioners. I enjoy hiking, backpacking, and camping with my family. I am fond of flyfishing on clear gravel bottom Missouri Ozark streams.
I truly enjoy the Community aspect of St Francis of Assisi School, from the faculty & staff, the parents, the students, and the many benefactors and volunteers who make this school GO! Seeing students grow in faith and academically through their years here at SFA is awesome. I am very proud to be a part of this school community.
If you would like to get a hold of me please email me at