Reconciliation Weekend Starts TODAY!
Holy Week begins soon. What better way to prepare than reconciliation.
Fish Fry is what's for dinner tonight! Swing by the SFA gym for food and fellowship!
SFA Broadway Ad Book sponsorships & shout outs are open for purchase! See more information here 👉 // or go to website for purchase 👉
Help Needed!
Please sign-up today for 40 hours of Adoration. Sign-ups are in the Church foyer or you can contact Therese Kaag
Fish Fry Tonight
40 Hours of Adoration: Adorers Needed! Sign-ups located in Church. Starts Friday March 22nd at 4pm and goes through Holy Thursday. Please consider signing up for an hour to sit with Jesus this Lent.
LIFECHAIN Decline to Sign 3-17th
Please join us on Sunday 3-17th from 2-3pm on Telegraph Road in front of St. Francis of Assisi Church. Help to defeat the pro-abortion ballot initiative.
It's FISH FRY Friday! Come on out tonight and enjoy fellowship and fish. 4-7pm in the gym.
Reconciliation Weekend March 22nd & 23rd.
Tonight is the FINAL session of the Parish Mission! Meet us in the Church at 7pm. Reception in the gym to follow. See ya' there!
Queen of Hearts Raffle: buy your tickets here, Drawings on Wednesday evenings at 7:30PM Don't forget to get your tickets before Wednesdays drawing!
Parish Mission DAY 2 Tonight! 7pm in the Church. Day 1 was a success filled with lots of laughter, prayer and insight. Please join us again tonight and bring a friend!
POWER RESTORED! Fish Fry is back on for 3-1-24!
Please come on out and see us tonight from 4-7pm!
FISH FRY CANCELLED due to a power outage. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you next Friday.
Parish Mission with Fr. Ron Hoye starts this Sunday!
Sunday March 3rd - Monday March 4th - Tuesday March 5th
7pm St Francis of Assisi Church.
A big THANK YOU for all the support in making the SFA Dinner Auction such success!
Mrs. Michelle Breihan of the SFA Respect Life Ministry awarded the winners of the Pro-Life Essay Contest after Mass this morning. All the students who participated did a wonderful job! The winners captured the essence of the theme of the contest, that life begins in the womb. All people are created in the image and likeness of God with great purpose, and everyone deserves to be treated with reverence and respect.
SFA Children's Ministry Needs donations! Please check out our wish list here.
The Auction Bidding is OPEN for Silent Auction Items!