🎡🎟️🤩PARISH PICNIC is approaching fast! We need volunteers to help keep the picnic going! Sign up here 👉 https://tinyurl.com/3byfcuae . For picnic sales go here 👉https://tinyurl.com/3byfcuae ✨Don't forget Star Wars character will be at the parade!
4 months ago, Sarah Bundren
SFAPP_Star Wars
INSPIRATION FOR THE WEEK — “Take up your cross and follow me,” Jesus tells us. We are called to have a faith that is defined by the willingness to go where Christ has gone, and to do what Christ has done, to see Christ in others and to love them as he loves us. Curious about the Catholic faith? sfastl.org
4 months ago, Ann Jones
Take up your cross
VOLUNTEER SIGN UPS 👉 https://tinyurl.com/3byfcuae 🤩The picnic would not be possible without our volunteers! It's fun, it's a great way to meet others in the SFA community, and you are helping make the SFA picnic a success! We appreciate you and are grateful for your support!
4 months ago, Sarah Bundren
QUESTION OF THE WEEK — James believed that good works are the fruit of faith. Where is there a need for good works from you this week among family or friends? Curious about the Catholic faith? sfastl.org
4 months ago, Ann Jones
quote by Pope Gregory
Prayer for Catechism Students — Dear God, You never stop drawing us closer to You. Pour Your grace upon these young disciples as they learn about You. Attract them. Challenge them. Love them. Guide them. Bless them. Amen. Curious about the Catholic faith? sfastl.org
4 months ago, Ann Jones
Catechetical Sunday
September 12th, The Most Holy Name of Mary
4 months ago, Ann Jones
Holy name of Mary
On this anniversary we remember and honor all of those lost and endured suffering that tragic day. "If we learn nothing else from this tragedy, we learn that life is short and there is no time for hate." - Sandy Dahl, wife of United Flight 93 pilot Jason Dahl. Curious about the Catholic faith? sfastl.org
4 months ago, Ann Jones
Sept 11 rememberance
“Be opened!” said Christ two thousand years ago, as he placed his finger in the ear of the deaf man. “Be opened!” he says to us today, laying his hand upon our hearts. May we always accept Christ’s invitation to become a new creation. Curious about the Catholic faith? sfastl.org
4 months ago, Ann Jones
Be Opened
QUESTION OF THE WEEK — The prophet Isaiah encouraged the Israelites to be strong in their conviction that God was coming to heal them and renew creation itself. Who could you encourage to be firm in their faith this week? Curious about the Catholic faith? sfastl.org
4 months ago, Ann Jones
Psalm 146
SFA FUN RUN BANNER 🏃🏻‍♂️‍➡️🏃🏽‍♀️‍➡️🏃‍➡️ order form 👉 https://5il.co/2vtkx 📅 All order due by 10AM Tomorrow!
4 months ago, Sarah Bundren
SFA Fun Run
SFA Parish Picnic Schedule of events! 🤩🎟️🎡👉https://one.bidpal.net/2024sfapicnic/welcome
4 months ago, Sarah Bundren
on sale
star wars
plant pull
game booth
pumpkin lane
SFA FUN RUN BANNER 🏃🏻‍♂️‍➡️🏃🏽‍♀️‍➡️🏃‍➡️ order form 👉 https://5il.co/2vtkx 📅DUE 9/10!
4 months ago, Sarah Bundren
fun run banner
ON SALE NOW! 🎡🎟️🤩 Get your SFA Parish Picnic tickets, blacktop table, ride bracelets & check out the sponsorship opportunities! 👉 https://one.bidpal.net/2024sfapicnic/welcome
4 months ago, Sarah Bundren
SFAPP_on sale
This upcoming Sunday we celebrate Grandparents' Day! Dear God, What a grace to live in a world of all ages and stages. Bless our grandparents, today and always. Thank You for their experiences, wisdom, and insight. Thank You for the gifts they bring the Church. Thank You for the lessons they teach the next generations. Amen. Curious about the Catholic faith? sfastl.org
4 months ago, Ann Jones
Grandparents day
QUESTION OF THE WEEK — Jesus challenged the Pharisees and scribes of Jerusalem on how they interpreted traditional Jewish purity laws. What do you think helps someone have a “clean heart?” Curious about the Catholic faith? sfastl.org
4 months ago, Ann Jones
Hand washing
St. Basil the Great (329–379) shares his feast day with his friend St. Gregory of Nazianzen. These accomplished men fought against heresies that threatened the foundations of the early Church, shaping doctrines around Christ’s divinity and the nature of the Holy Trinity Curious about the Catholic faith? sfastl.org
4 months ago, Ann Jones
St Basil
September is the Month of the Seven Sorrows of Mary. Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us! Curious about the Catholic faith? sfastl.org
4 months ago, Ann Jones
7 sorrows of Mary
Often called the father of the medieval papacy and Apostle of the English, Saint Gregory (540-604) became Pope in 590. He is known for his reform of the liturgy, the consolidation of papal power, and the conversion of England. Curious about the Catholic faith? sfastl.org
4 months ago, Ann Jones
St Gregory the Great
Prayer for Labor Day — Dear Lord, Bless and protect the men and women whose hard work provides food and shelter to them and their families, services to our communities, and care to our world. Be with them as they work, but also as they rest and recreate in Your care. Amen. Curious about the Catholic faith? sfastl.org
4 months ago, Ann Jones
Labor Day
This weekend at Mass we hear that the Pharisees did not understand that the law is more than an action to be carried out. We are called to be doers of the word and not hearers only. Let the law take root in your heart, and it will bear fruit in your works. See you at Mass! Curious about the Catholic faith? sfastl.org
4 months ago, Ann Jones
The Heart of Purity